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    Extreme Sports in Eğil

    The Tigris Dam in Eğil, the touristic district of Diyarbakır, is emerging as a center for canoeing, swimming and other water sports; there is a rafting route between the Tigris Dam and Diyarbakır, starting from Selman village of Eğil. Mountain trekking and paragliding are also popular activities in the district. Paragliders take off from the 180-meter-high Ziyaret Hill towards the Tigris Valley, Tigris Dam and Asur Castle. Many of the sports clubs in the district conduct paragliding activities.

    Basalt Products

    Diyarbakır basalt cube stone is a natural stone used in the architectural preservation of the city, particularly in the restoration of historical buildings to protect their original structures. Diyarbakır basalt stone is produced in hexagon-shaped pieces, in such a way that they can interlock, thus reinforcing the stone’s native strength.  

    The stone is also used in ornamental features. One of the most important characteristics of Diyarbakır basalt stone is that it retains coolness and prevents icing in winter.


    Mining in Diyarbakır began in antiquity, with the copper mines near Ergani. Humans living in Hilar-Çayönü progressed from hunting and gathering to grain cultivation. With the discovery of enormous copper deposits in Ergani, the people who settled here could melt the copper ore and fashion weapons and arrowheads, along with food containers, necklaces, and ornaments.

    Today, there is a coppersmith’s bazaar in Diyarbakır’s central Sur district. Copper embossed with special patterns and motifs is used to make many items, especially kitchenware such as kettles, pots, pans, pitchers, trays and deep copper dishes (lenger), as well as shallow pans, buckets, basins and wash bowls, samovars and coffee pots and “gümgüm”. In addition, many more copper souvenirs and items are available.

    Extreme Sports

    For extreme sports enthusiasts, Diyarbakır offers numerous campsites and rock-climbing areas in the Çermik, Çüngüş, Ergani, Eğil, Lice, Hani and Çınar districts, 

    along with canoeing, cycling and trekking routes.